Small Time is an urban film set in London in the early 2000s. It follows the lives of three young adults: Keiran, Harry, and Jerome as they try to make it big in a Small Time. We are making a film for people that can relate to this era, and for people that want a story with memorable characters, in a fleshed-out world. Written and Directed by Jacob O’Connor, Small Time is a film about nostalgia, and how looking back on the past cant be good for anybody This project is a long time in the making. For three years I have been writing Small Time and for around 6 years I have been making short films, some with dialogue and some without, to see how difficult a story can be to craft. This story, however, I feel is needed to show how a lot of people nowadays like to enjoy living in the past, which is something people cannot do in order to move on and succeed.